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Weekly Announcements

LSCS Dual Credit: Dual Credit registration paperwork is due on Tuesday, February 25.  This is ONLY for students in English 175 (2nd Semester).


Running Start Informational Night: Walla Walla Community College – Clarkston Campus will be hosting an informational night on the following dates:

  • Thursday, February 27
  • Thursday, March 27
  • Thursday, April 24

The informational night will be from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in room 122.  This is for prospective students (current sophomores and juniors) and their parents/guardians to learn about Running Start eligibility, cost, enrollment, and courses.  Running Start allows qualified high school juniors and seniors to take coursework at WWCC, earning both high school and college credit.


Washington State University Visit: The Washington State University representative will be here on Tuesday, March 4 during 4th period in the Counseling Office.  This is a Sweet and Greet meeting for students who have been admitted to WSU.


Senior Info Day: Senior Info Day is Friday, March 7.  Ms. Gross will be in Mr. Finkbeiner’s room (9:00 a.m.) and Ms. Offt’s room (9:30 a.m.).  If you don’t have Mr. Finkbeiner or Ms. Offt during 2nd period, please plan to attend one of the info sessions. 


SAT School Day Test: The deadline to sign up for the SAT school day test is Friday, March 7.  Stop by Denise’s Office, pay, and receive a receipt.  Bring your receipt to the Counseling Office.  The SAT school day test is Thursday, April 17.